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{{Town infobox
{{Town infobox
|name=Amphitrite City
|name=Amphitrite City
|image=Amphitrite City
|north=Route 15
|north=Route 15
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|colordark={{Water color dark}}
|colordark={{Water color dark}}
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|colormed={{Water color}}
|colorlight={{Water color light}}
|colorlight={{Water color light}}
'''Amphitrite City''' is a city in the northern [[Torren]] region. It is surrounded by water. It is home to the seventh gym, featuring [[Calreath]] and his rain-based team.
'''Amphitrite City''' is a city in the northern [[Torren]] region. It is surrounded by water. It is home to the seventh Gym, featuring [[Calreath]] and his {{BLink|rain}}-based team. The ground itself is so wet that the property value of houses in the city is incredibly low. Low cost aside, most inhabitants are unhappy living here. A massive TV that rarely functions properly and thus rarely broadcasts anything can be found at the top of the largest building to the north.

To the north is [[Route 15]], and to the south is [[Crystal Caves]].
To the northwest is [[Route 15]] and to the south are the [[Crystal Caves]]. The [[Mt. Rose Base|base]] of [[Mount Rose]] can be found to the east.
After entering town, [[Nora]] will appear alongside Calreath, stating that there is someone who the player should talk to in the Crystal Caves. Proceed there.
===When first entering the city===
* After entering the city, [[Nora]] will appear alongside [[Calreath]], stating that there is someone who the player should talk to in the [[Crystal Caves]].  
* Proceed to enter the Crystal Caves.
===After investigating the Crystal Caves===
* After clearing the events in the [[Crystal Caves]], go into the [[Amphitrite Gym]] and defeat [[Calreath]] to earn the 7th Gym [[Badge]].
* Once Calreath has been defeated, proceed east to [[Mt. Rose Base]].
===After acquiring the 8th Badge===
* Once the player has acquired the 8th [[Badge]] and has successfully escaped from the [[Dream Realm]], [[Nora]] should contact the player concerning a battle between [[Jaern]] and a {{p|Giratina}} "cultist" in Amphitrite City.
* After returning to Amphitrite City, head south towards the [[Crystal Caves]] to observe the aftermath of the battle between Jaern and the Giratina "cultist".
* Receiving an invitation from the Giratina "cultist" to come and rescue Nora from within the [[Crystal Caves]], enter the Crystal Caves again.
==Places of interest==
===Crystal Caves===
{{main|Crystal Caves}}
The Crystal Caves are a collection of caves situated within the lake to the south that are filled with thousands of dazzling jewels. There are several rumors around the city concerning the caves, many of which discuss the sightings of dead trainers that are believed to be hallucinations.
===Amphitrite Gym===
{{main|Amphitrite Gym}}
The Amphitrite Gym is the official [[Gym]] of Amphitrite City, whose Gym Leader, [[Calreath]], specializes in mainly {{Type|Water}} Pokémon. Trainers who defeat him are awarded the [[Badge|Rainstorm Badge]], as well as [[bulbapedia:Calm Mind|TM04 (Calm Mind)]] as a reward.

After clearing the Crystal Caves events, go into the Amphitrite Gym and defeat Calreath to earn the 7th gym badge.
===Poké Mart===
{{shop|Vending Machine}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Fresh Water|200}}|{{shopitem|Soda Pop|300}}}}
===Clothing Shop===
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Headband|2000}}|{{shopitem|Miner's Helmet|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Fedora|2000}}|{{shopitem|Poop Hat|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Straw Hat|2000}}|{{shopitem|Beret|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Beanie|2000}}|{{shopitem|Youngster Cap|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Cat Ears|2000}}|{{shopitem|Devil Horns|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Silver Crown|2000}}|{{shopitem|Golden Crown|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Red Shirt|2000}}|{{shopitem|Blue Shirt|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Green Shirt|2000}}|{{shopitem|Purple Shirt|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Black Shirt|2000}}|{{shopitem|Orange Shirt|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Pink Shirt|2000}}|{{shopitem|Yellow Shirt|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Alt. Jumpsuit|2000}}|{{shopitem|Lords Suit|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Blue Pants|1000}}|{{shopitem|Red Pants|1000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Green Pants|1000}}|{{shopitem|Gray Pants|1000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Alt. Jumppants|2000}}|{{shopitem|Lords Pants|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Black Pack|2000}}|{{shopitem|Blue Pack|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Green Pack|2000}}|{{shopitem|Magenta Pack|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Orange Pack|2000}}|{{shopitem|Red Pack|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Yellow Pack|2000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Purple Hair Dye|3000}}|{{shopitem|Blue Hair Dye|3000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Brown Hair Dye|3000}}|{{shopitem|Black Hair Dye|3000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Red Hair Dye|3000}}|{{shopitem|Blonde Hair Dye|3000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Green Hair Dye|3000}}|{{shopitem|Pink Hair Dye|3000}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Cyan Hair Dye|3000}}}}
===Hair Salon===
Here the player got the chance to alternate their hair style.
{{shop|Hair Salon}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Boy Grown Out Hair|Free}}|{{shopitem|Boy Shaved Head|Free}}}}
{{shoprow|{{shopitem|Girl Long Hair|Free}}|{{shopitem|Girl Short Hair|Free}}}}

TM35 Flamethrower - north-western cliff face.
[[Category:Towns and Cities]]
{{Itemlist|Dream Mist|Obtained by completing the female trainer's quiz in the house directly south of the entrance to [[Route 15]] (Quiz Answers: Yes, Trapinch, Jolly, Nothing)}}
{{Itemlist|Escape Rope|Found on a table in the house south of the massive TV|display = {{BLink|Escape Rope}}}}
{{Itemlist|Dusk Ball|Southwestern side of the city, above the [[PikaTaxi]] guy|display = {{BLink|Dusk Ball}}}}
{{Itemlist|Burn Heal|Eastern side of the city, accessed by entering a path between the trees and the platform|display = {{BLink|Burn Heal}}}}
{{Itemlist|Revive|Behind the trees directly southeast of the Black Belt trading {{p|Delta Shuckle}}|display = {{BLink|Revive}}}}
{{Itemlist|Oran Berry|Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city ''(hidden)''|display = {{BLink|Oran Berry}}}}
{{Itemlist|Leppa Berry|Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city ''(hidden)''|display = {{BLink|Leppa Berry}}}}
{{Itemlist|Chesto Berry|Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city ''(hidden)''|display = {{BLink|Chesto Berry}}}}
{{Itemlist|Persim Berry|Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city ''(hidden)''|display = {{BLink|Persim Berry}}}}
{{Itemlist|Pecha Berry|Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city ''(hidden)''|display = {{BLink|Pecha Berry}}}}
{{Itemlist|Rawst Berry|Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city ''(hidden)''|display = {{BLink|Rawst Berry}}}}
{{Itemlist|Life Orb|Received from the blonde woman to the southwest of the entrance to [[Mt. Rose Base]]|display = {{BLink|Life Orb}}}}
{{Itemlist|Full Restore|At the far back of the city, on the path leading behind the building with the giant TV|display = {{BLink|Full Restore}}}}
{{Itemlist|firetm|At the far back of the city, behind the building with the giant TV|display=TM35 {{BLink|Flamethrower}}}}
{{Itemlist|Ghost Gem|Obtained from a {{p|Cofagrigus}} in the house directly west of the entrance to [[Mt. Rose Base]]|display = {{BLink|Ghost Gem}}}}
{{Itemlist|Potion|Found on a table in the house directly west of the entrance to [[Mt. Rose Base]]|display = {{BLink|Potion}}}}
{{Itemlist|Rare Candy|Directly south of the house nearest to the entrance to [[Mt. Rose Base]] in a rock ''(hidden)''|display={{BLink|Rare Candy}}}}
{{Itemlist|Magcargonite|Reward from the blonde woman in the house directly east of the massive TV for returning her {{p|Hypno}} to her|display = {{DL|Mega Stone|Magcargonite}}}}
{{Itemlist|Prison Bottle|Reward for showing the old man northeast of the Pokémon Mall a {{p|Hoopa}}|display = {{BLink|Prison Bottle}}}}
{{Itemlist|Cloud Bottle|Reward for showing the old man northeast of the Pokémon Mall a {{p|Delta Hoopa}}}}
Pokemon can be found in any of the bodies of water by fishing and surfing.
A Black Belt in the house directly south of the massive TV is willing to trade away his {{p|Noibat}} for any {{type|Dark}} Pokémon.
A Black Belt located to the east of the [[Amphitrite Gym]] offers to trade the player his {{p|Delta Shuckle}} for a {{p|Bulbasaur}}.
A man on the second floor of the house nearest to the entrance to [[Mt. Rose Base]] will sell a {{p|Budew}} egg to the player for {{PDollar}}2,500.
Interacting with any of the TVs in the city's houses has a chance of spawning a {{p|Rotom}}.
{{Catch/entry6|224|Octillery|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|60-65|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|319|Sharpedo|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Dark|60-65|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|395|Empoleon|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Steel|60-65|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|565|Carracosta|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Rock|60-65|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|60-65|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|366|Clamperl|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|55-60|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|369|Relicanth|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Rock|55-60|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|117|Seadra|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|55-60|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|147|Dratini|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Dragon|10-15|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|689|Barbaracle|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Rock|type2=Water|60-65|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|099|Kingler|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|60-65|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|321|Wailord|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|60-65|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|60-65|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|457|Lumineon|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|60-65|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|536|Palpitoad|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Ground|60-65|all = 40%}}
{{catch/div|city|Special Pokémon}}
{{catch/entry6|406|Budew|yes|yes|Egg|1|all=Purchase for {{PDollar}}2,500|type1=Grass|type2=Poison}}
{{catch/entry6|479|Rotom|yes|yes|Interact|Highest level Pokémon, minimum of 10|all=Infinite|type1=Electric|type2=Ghost}}
{{catch/entry6|714|Noibat|yes|yes|Trade|The same as the traded Pokémon|all=One|tradenum=000|tradename=Any Dark-type|type1=Flying|type2=Dragon}}
{{catch/entry6|832|Delta Shuckle|yes|yes|Trade|The same as the traded Pokémon|all=One|tradenum=001|tradename=Bulbasaur|type1=Fighting|type2=Steel}}

Dream Mist - First house you see when entering the town, is obtained by answering a four question quiz. (Answers in order are; Yes, Trapinch, Jolly and Nothing)
[[Category:Towns and Cities]]

Dusk Ball - Found on the western side of the town, right above the PikaTaxi Guy.
[[Category:Towns and Cities]]

Burn Heal - Found in the eastern part of town.
[[Category:Towns and Cities]]
[[Category:Towns and Cities]]

Latest revision as of 04:46, 7 November 2024

Amphitrite City
Amphitrite City in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
Amphitrite City Gym - Torren Gym #7
specialist Gym
Rainstorm Badge
Rainstorm Badge
Amphitrite City Gym - Torren Gym #7
specialist Gym
Rainstorm Badge
Rainstorm Badge
Amphitrite City Gym - Torren Gym #7
specialist Gym
Rainstorm Badge
Rainstorm Badge
[[| League]]
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Champion [[{{{champion}}}|{{{champion}}}]]
[[| League]]
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Champion [[{{{champion2}}}|{{{champion2}}}]]
Route 15
Amphitrite City
Mt. Rose Base
Crystal Caves
Telnor TownShade ForestRoute 1Midna TownRoute 2Ancient RuinsCyan CavernSuntouched CityRoute 3Route 3Route 3Metchi TownRoute 4Route 4Vipik CityCrossroadsCrossroadsMisty WayMisty WayMisty WayMist IslandRoute 5Koril TownRezzai DesertRezzai DesertRezzai CavernRezzai CavernRoggan TownRoute 6Route 7Helios CityCave of SteamCave of SteamCave of SteamUtira LibraryUtira TownRoute 8Miara TownStormy SeasStormy SeasWhirl IslandsWhirl IslandsRoute 9Sonata CitySonata TracksSonata HillsRoute 10Maelstrom 9Kepler CityRoute 11Route 11Route 11Route 11Nasca TownNasca CaveMurk ForestMurk ForestHekate TownRoute 12Selene CityRoute 13Dragon RuinsRoute 14Oranos TownRoute 15Route 15Amphitrite CityMt. Rose BaseMount RoseMount RoseDeyraan TownMount RoseRose CraterDeyraan CaveDeyraan CaveRoute 16Narra TownNarra BorderNexa BorderNexa BorderNexa TownVictory RoadVictory RoadVictory RoadPokemon LeagueRoute 17Route 17Route 17Route 17Gaea TownTorren Amphitrite City Map.gif

Interactive Map Location of Amphitrite City in Torren.

Amphitrite City is a city in the northern Torren region. It is surrounded by water. It is home to the seventh Gym, featuring Calreath and his rain-based team. The ground itself is so wet that the property value of houses in the city is incredibly low. Low cost aside, most inhabitants are unhappy living here. A massive TV that rarely functions properly and thus rarely broadcasts anything can be found at the top of the largest building to the north.

To the northwest is Route 15 and to the south are the Crystal Caves. The base of Mount Rose can be found to the east.


When first entering the city

  • After entering the city, Nora will appear alongside Calreath, stating that there is someone who the player should talk to in the Crystal Caves.
  • Proceed to enter the Crystal Caves.

After investigating the Crystal Caves

After acquiring the 8th Badge

  • Once the player has acquired the 8th Badge and has successfully escaped from the Dream Realm, Nora should contact the player concerning a battle between Jaern and a Giratina "cultist" in Amphitrite City.
  • After returning to Amphitrite City, head south towards the Crystal Caves to observe the aftermath of the battle between Jaern and the Giratina "cultist".
  • Receiving an invitation from the Giratina "cultist" to come and rescue Nora from within the Crystal Caves, enter the Crystal Caves again.

Places of interest

Crystal Caves

Main article: Crystal Caves

The Crystal Caves are a collection of caves situated within the lake to the south that are filled with thousands of dazzling jewels. There are several rumors around the city concerning the caves, many of which discuss the sightings of dead trainers that are believed to be hallucinations.

Amphitrite Gym

Main article: Amphitrite Gym

The Amphitrite Gym is the official Gym of Amphitrite City, whose Gym Leader, Calreath, specializes in mainly Water-type Pokémon. Trainers who defeat him are awarded the Rainstorm Badge, as well as TM04 (Calm Mind) as a reward.


Poké Mart

Pokémon Center
Poké Ball Poké Ball
Pokémon Dollar200
Great Ball Great Ball
Pokémon Dollar600
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
Pokémon Dollar1200
Nuzlocke Ball Nuzlocke Ball*
Pokémon Dollar600
Potion Potion
Pokémon Dollar300
Super Potion Super Potion
Pokémon Dollar700
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion
Pokémon Dollar1200
Max Potion Max Potion
Pokémon Dollar2500
Full Restore Full Restore*
Pokémon Dollar3000
Revive Revive
Pokémon Dollar1500
Repel Repel
Pokémon Dollar350
Super Repel Super Repel
Pokémon Dollar500
Max Repel Max Repel
Pokémon Dollar700
Full Heal Full Heal
Pokémon Dollar600
Antidote Antidote
Pokémon Dollar100
Ice Heal Ice Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Paralyze Heal Paralyze Heal
Pokémon Dollar200
Awakening Awakening
Pokémon Dollar250
Burn Heal Burn Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Escape Rope Escape Rope
Pokémon Dollar550

Vending Machine
Fresh Water Fresh Water
Pokémon Dollar200
Soda Pop Soda Pop
Pokémon Dollar300
Lemonade Lemonade
Pokémon Dollar350

Clothing Shop

Headband Headband
Pokémon Dollar2000
Miner's Helmet Miner's Helmet
Pokémon Dollar2000
Fedora Fedora
Pokémon Dollar2000
Poop Hat Poop Hat
Pokémon Dollar2000
Straw Hat Straw Hat
Pokémon Dollar2000
Beret Beret
Pokémon Dollar2000
Beanie Beanie
Pokémon Dollar2000
Youngster Cap Youngster Cap
Pokémon Dollar2000
Cat Ears Cat Ears
Pokémon Dollar2000
Devil Horns Devil Horns
Pokémon Dollar2000
Silver Crown Silver Crown
Pokémon Dollar2000
Golden Crown Golden Crown
Pokémon Dollar2000

Red Shirt Red Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Blue Shirt Blue Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Green Shirt Green Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Purple Shirt Purple Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Black Shirt Black Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Orange Shirt Orange Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Pink Shirt Pink Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Yellow Shirt Yellow Shirt
Pokémon Dollar2000
Alt. Jumpsuit Alt. Jumpsuit
Pokémon Dollar2000
Lords Suit Lords Suit
Pokémon Dollar2000

Blue Pants Blue Pants
Pokémon Dollar1000
Red Pants Red Pants
Pokémon Dollar1000
Green Pants Green Pants
Pokémon Dollar1000
Gray Pants Gray Pants
Pokémon Dollar1000
Alt. Jumppants Alt. Jumppants
Pokémon Dollar2000
Lords Pants Lords Pants
Pokémon Dollar2000

Black Pack Black Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000
Blue Pack Blue Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000
Green Pack Green Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000
Magenta Pack Magenta Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000
Orange Pack Orange Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000
Red Pack Red Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000
Yellow Pack Yellow Pack
Pokémon Dollar2000

Purple Hair Dye Purple Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Blue Hair Dye Blue Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Brown Hair Dye Brown Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Black Hair Dye Black Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Red Hair Dye Red Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Blonde Hair Dye Blonde Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Green Hair Dye Green Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Pink Hair Dye Pink Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000
Cyan Hair Dye Cyan Hair Dye
Pokémon Dollar3000

Hair Salon

Here the player got the chance to alternate their hair style.

Hair Salon
Boy Grown Out Hair Boy Grown Out Hair
Pokémon DollarFree
Boy Shaved Head Boy Shaved Head
Pokémon DollarFree
Girl Long Hair Girl Long Hair
Pokémon DollarFree
Girl Short Hair Girl Short Hair
Pokémon DollarFree


Item Location
Dream Mist.png Dream Mist Obtained by completing the female trainer's quiz in the house directly south of the entrance to Route 15 (Quiz Answers: Yes, Trapinch, Jolly, Nothing)
Escape Rope.png Escape Rope Found on a table in the house south of the massive TV
Dusk Ball.png Dusk Ball Southwestern side of the city, above the PikaTaxi guy
Burn Heal.png Burn Heal Eastern side of the city, accessed by entering a path between the trees and the platform
Revive.png Revive Behind the trees directly southeast of the Black Belt trading Delta Shuckle
Oran Berry.png Oran Berry Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city (hidden)
Leppa Berry.png Leppa Berry Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city (hidden)
Chesto Berry.png Chesto Berry Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city (hidden)
Persim Berry.png Persim Berry Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city (hidden)
Pecha Berry.png Pecha Berry Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city (hidden)
Rawst Berry.png Rawst Berry Found in the flower garden in the western part of the city (hidden)
Life Orb.png Life Orb Received from the blonde woman to the southwest of the entrance to Mt. Rose Base
Full Restore.png Full Restore At the far back of the city, on the path leading behind the building with the giant TV
Firetm.png TM35 Flamethrower At the far back of the city, behind the building with the giant TV
Ghost Gem.png Ghost Gem Obtained from a Cofagrigus in the house directly west of the entrance to Mt. Rose Base
Potion.png Potion Found on a table in the house directly west of the entrance to Mt. Rose Base
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy Directly south of the house nearest to the entrance to Mt. Rose Base in a rock (hidden)
Magcargonite.png Magcargonite Reward from the blonde woman in the house directly east of the massive TV for returning her Hypno to her
Prison Bottle.png Prison Bottle Reward for showing the old man northeast of the Pokémon Mall a Hoopa
Cloud Bottle.png Cloud Bottle Reward for showing the old man northeast of the Pokémon Mall a Delta Hoopa


Pokemon can be found in any of the bodies of water by fishing and surfing.

A Black Belt in the house directly south of the massive TV is willing to trade away his Noibat for any Dark-type Pokémon.

A Black Belt located to the east of the Amphitrite Gym offers to trade the player his Delta Shuckle for a Bulbasaur.

A man on the second floor of the house nearest to the entrance to Mt. Rose Base will sell a Budew egg to the player for Pokémon Dollar2,500.

Interacting with any of the TVs in the city's houses has a chance of spawning a Rotom.

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
224.png Octillery
Surfing Surfing
60-65 60%

319.png Sharpedo
Surfing Surfing
60-65 1%

395.png Empoleon
Surfing Surfing
60-65 30%

565.png Carracosta
Surfing Surfing
60-65 5%

581.png Swanna
Surfing Surfing
60-65 4%

366.png Clamperl
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
55-60 70%

369.png Relicanth
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
55-60 30%

117.png Seadra
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
55-60 20%

147.png Dratini
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
10-15 20%

689.png Barbaracle
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
60-65 60%

099.png Kingler
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-65 15%

321.png Wailord
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-65 1%

367.png Huntail
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-65 4%

457.png Lumineon
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-65 40%

536.png Palpitoad
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-65 40%

Special Pokémon
406.png Budew
Egg Egg
1 Purchase for Pokémon Dollar2,500

479.png Rotom
Normal Rotom
Interact Interact
Highest level Pokémon, minimum of 10 Infinite

714.png Noibat
Any Dark-type Trade
Any Dark-type
The same as the traded Pokémon One

832.png Delta Shuckle
Bulbasaur Trade
The same as the traded Pokémon One

Thermal Badge.png Stinger Badge.png Summit Badge.png Paragon Badge.png Circuit Badge.png Dreamland Badge.png Rainstorm Badge.png Tartarus Badge.png
Telnor TownMidna TownSuntouched CityMetchi TownVipik CityKoril Town
Roggan TownHelios CityUtira TownMiara TownSonata CityKepler City
Nasca TownHekate TownSelene CityOranos TownAmphitrite CityDeyraan TownNarra Town
Nexa TownPokémon LeagueGaea Town
Cult of DarkraiShade ForestTelnor CaveDark CaveMidna GardenMidna MineAncient RuinsCyan Cavern
Secret BaseVipik DumpCrossroadsSamsara CaveKoril CaveRezzai DesertRezzai CavernHelios Sewers
Black MarketPerfection BaseJade TowerCave of SteamUtira LibraryMiara Archaeological SiteStormy SeasWhirl Islands
Maelstrom 9Abyssal BaseSafari ZonePower FarmNasca CaveMurk ForestFiery CavernsMysterious Hideaway
Ancient TowerDragon RuinsSatellite CorpsSlither ForestMysterious SpireCrystal CavesVoid Gauntlet
Mt. Rose BaseMount RoseRose CraterInfernal BaseDeyraan CaveNarra BorderNexa BorderVictory Road
Battle FrontierMisty WayMist IslandPerfection LaboratoryDev Island
Access to
Void GauntletThrone of the HegemonNo Man's LandAlpha TempleOort Cloud Object