Route 3

From The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki
Revision as of 08:08, 7 March 2016 by 1ofthe4rocketbros (talk | contribs) (More missed items)
Route 3
Sandstorm III Field.png
Sandstorm III Field.png
Sandstorm III Field.png
Map description
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Connecting locations
Suntouched Exitway
Route 3
Metchi Town
Telnor TownShade ForestRoute 1Midna TownRoute 2Ancient RuinsCyan CavernSuntouched CityRoute 3Route 3Route 3Metchi TownRoute 4Route 4Vipik CityCrossroadsCrossroadsMisty WayMisty WayMisty WayMist IslandRoute 5Koril TownRezzai DesertRezzai DesertRezzai CavernRezzai CavernRoggan TownRoute 6Route 7Helios CityCave of SteamCave of SteamCave of SteamUtira LibraryUtira TownRoute 8Miara TownStormy SeasStormy SeasWhirl IslandsWhirl IslandsRoute 9Sonata CitySonata TracksSonata HillsRoute 10Maelstrom 9Kepler CityRoute 11Route 11Route 11Route 11Nasca TownNasca CaveMurk ForestMurk ForestHekate TownRoute 12Selene CityRoute 13Dragon RuinsRoute 14Oranos TownRoute 15Route 15Amphitrite CityMt. Rose BaseMount RoseMount RoseDeyraan TownMount RoseRose CraterDeyraan CaveDeyraan CaveRoute 16Narra TownNarra BorderNexa BorderNexa BorderNexa TownVictory RoadVictory RoadVictory RoadPokemon LeagueRoute 17Route 17Route 17Route 17Gaea TownTorren Route 3 Map.gif

Interactive Map Location of Route 3 in Torren.
Route 2       Route 4

Route 3 is a route in eastern Torren, connecting Suntouched City and Metchi Town. It features a Hidden Grotto near the end of the route and a house on the hill in the center of the route.



Item Location
Repel.png Repel In the grass to the left of the entrance to Suntouched Exitway
Great Ball.png Great Ball In the middle of a patch of grass to the left of Firebreather Buggy
Revive.png Revive At the end of a somewhat hidden path behind some trees southeast of the house on the hill (requires Surf)
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy Behind a tree to the southeast of the house on the hill
Awakening.png Awakening In the corner of the trees in the southwestern-most part of the route
Poké Ball.png Poké Ball Grass in the corner of the trees to the southeast of Youngster Mill

Hidden Grotto

Item Location
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Sometimes in Hidden Grotto
Full Heal.png Full Heal Sometimes in Hidden Grotto
Fire Stone.png Fire Stone Sometimes in Hidden Grotto
Dusk Stone.png Dusk Stone Sometimes in Hidden Grotto


A Hiker in the house on the hill is willing to trade the player a Delta Scyther in exchange for any Steel-type Pokémon.

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
185.png Sudowoodo
Grass Grass
19-21 30%

273.png Seedot
Grass Grass
19-21 20%

280.png Ralts
Grass Grass
19-21 30%

548.png Petilil
Grass Grass
19-21 20%

072.png Tentacool
Surfing Surfing
19-21 90%

120.png Staryu
Surfing Surfing
19-21 10%

458.png Mantyke
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
19-21 70%

550.png Basculin
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
19-21 15%

550B.png Basculin
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
19-21 15%

226.png Mantine
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
19-21 60%

550.png Basculin
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
19-21 20%

550B.png Basculin
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
19-21 20%

Hidden Grotto
004.png Charmander
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

511.png Pansage
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

538.png Throh
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

539.png Sawk
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

Special Pokémon
746.png Delta Scyther
Any Steel Trade
Any Steel
The same as the Traded Pokémon One


Trainer Pokémon
Camper Joey
Camper Joey
Reward: Pokémon Dollar384
288.png Vigoroth Lv.23
No item
203.png Girafarig Lv.24
No item
Ruin Maniac Robin
Ruin Maniac Robin
Reward: Pokémon Dollar1152
074.png Geodude Lv.23
No item
106.png Hitmonlee Lv.24
No item
201.png Unown Lv.24
No item
Firebreather Buggy
Firebreather Buggy
Reward: Pokémon Dollar768
058.png Growlithe Lv.24
No item
391.png Monferno Lv.24
No item
Bug Catcher Ingram
Bug Catcher Ingram
Reward: Pokémon Dollar400
314.png Illumise Lv.24
No item
015.png Beedrill Lv.25
No item
313.png Volbeat Lv.24
No item
Lady Laura
Lady Laura
Reward: Pokémon Dollar4000
341.png Corphish Lv.24
No item
303.png Mawile Lv.25
No item
Sailor Buckbeard
Sailor Buckbeard
Reward: Pokémon Dollar800
170.png Chinchou Lv.25
No item
159.png Croconaw Lv.25
No item
367.png Huntail Lv.25
No item
Youngster Mill
Youngster Mill
Reward: Pokémon Dollar400
335.png Zangoose Lv.25
No item
336.png Seviper Lv.25
No item
Scientist Linna
Scientist Linna
Reward: Pokémon Dollar1248
702.png Dedenne Lv.25
No item
599.png Klink Lv.26
No item
081.png Magnemite Lv.25
No item
Socialite Barbara
Socialite Barbara
Reward: Pokémon Dollar1040
044.png Gloom Lv.25
No item
182.png Bellossom Lv.26
No item

Thermal Badge.png Stinger Badge.png Summit Badge.png Paragon Badge.png Circuit Badge.png Dreamland Badge.png Rainstorm Badge.png Tartarus Badge.png
Telnor TownMidna TownSuntouched CityMetchi TownVipik CityKoril Town
Roggan TownHelios CityUtira TownMiara TownSonata CityKepler City
Nasca TownHekate TownSelene CityOranos TownAmphitrite CityDeyraan TownNarra Town
Nexa TownPokémon LeagueGaea Town
Cult of DarkraiShade ForestTelnor CaveDark CaveMidna GardenMidna MineAncient RuinsCyan Cavern
Secret BaseVipik DumpCrossroadsSamsara CaveKoril CaveRezzai DesertRezzai CavernHelios Sewers
Black MarketPerfection BaseJade TowerCave of SteamUtira LibraryMiara Archaeological SiteStormy SeasWhirl Islands
Maelstrom 9Abyssal BaseSafari ZonePower FarmNasca CaveMurk ForestFiery CavernsMysterious Hideaway
Ancient TowerDragon RuinsSatellite CorpsSlither ForestMysterious SpireCrystal CavesVoid Gauntlet
Mt. Rose BaseMount RoseRose CraterInfernal BaseDeyraan CaveNarra BorderNexa BorderVictory Road
Battle FrontierMisty WayMist IslandPerfection LaboratoryDev Island
Access to
Void GauntletThrone of the HegemonNo Man's LandAlpha TempleOort Cloud Object