Fiery Caverns

From The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki
(Redirected from Fiery Cavern)
Fiery Caverns
Mystery Zone.png
Mystery Zone.png
Mystery Zone.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Middle of Hekate Town
Region: Torren
Telnor TownShade ForestRoute 1Midna TownRoute 2Ancient RuinsCyan CavernSuntouched CityRoute 3Route 3Route 3Metchi TownRoute 4Route 4Vipik CityCrossroadsCrossroadsMisty WayMisty WayMisty WayMist IslandRoute 5Koril TownRezzai DesertRezzai DesertRezzai CavernRezzai CavernRoggan TownRoute 6Route 7Helios CityCave of SteamCave of SteamCave of SteamUtira LibraryUtira TownRoute 8Miara TownStormy SeasStormy SeasWhirl IslandsWhirl IslandsRoute 9Sonata CitySonata TracksSonata HillsRoute 10Maelstrom 9Kepler CityRoute 11Route 11Route 11Route 11Nasca TownNasca CaveMurk ForestMurk ForestHekate TownRoute 12Selene CityRoute 13Dragon RuinsRoute 14Oranos TownRoute 15Route 15Amphitrite CityMt. Rose BaseMount RoseMount RoseDeyraan TownMount RoseRose CraterDeyraan CaveDeyraan CaveRoute 16Narra TownNarra BorderNexa BorderNexa BorderNexa TownVictory RoadVictory RoadVictory RoadPokemon LeagueRoute 17Route 17Route 17Route 17Gaea TownTorren Hekate Town Map.gif

Interactive Map Location of Fiery Caverns in Torren.

The Fiery Caverns are a series of caves found within Hekate Town. The caves are filled with numerous pools of lava, some of which require the player to push boulders into in order to cross. When the player investigates the caves for the first time, they will face Infernal Cultists and attempt to stop their operation.


  • Bypass the ledges and surf north across the two pools of water.
  • Travel east until a boulder is located.
    • Push the boulder north and then west into the hole in the floor.
  • Follow the boulder down into the hole.
  • Hop across the boulder to the other side of the lava and then head up the stairs to find the next boulder.
    • Push this boulder down and then head down the stairs to the left side of where the boulder landed.
    • Push the boulder all the way to the right until it stops against a pool of lava, then run around to the top side of the boulder and push it three spaces down.
    • Run around to the right side of the boulder and push it as far left as possible, then run around to the top side of it and push it as far down as possible.
    • Run around to the right side of the boulder and push it 7 spaces to the left, then run around to the top side of it and push it as far down as possible.
    • Push the boulder to the right until it is knocked out into the pool of lava and blocks off the lava's flow.
  • Head northwest and hop back across the lava again before heading south and passing over the platform to the east.
  • Continue east until the player reaches the entrance to the next cave.
  • Once inside the next cave, follow the path northward until the player comes to a bridge.
  • Cross the bridge, head east and climb up the platform, and then push the next boulder down to the level below.
    • Head down to the level below and push the boulder from the right side as far left as possible.
    • Push the boulder down three spaces and then push the boulder to the left until it is in front of the bridge.
    • Push the boulder up until it collides with the ledge and then push the boulder as far right as possible.
    • Push the boulder up 2 spaces and then push it right 5 spaces.
    • Push the boulder up as far as possible and then push it left 3 spaces.
    • Push the boulder up as far as possible and then push it to the left and into the pool of lava to raise the bridge's level up.
  • Navigate around the ledges to cross the newly raised bridge.
  • Continue north to proceed with the story.


Item Location
Mysterious Scroll.png Mysterious Scroll Head up the ladder on B1F; reward for completing the Meloetta tile puzzle
Delta Froslassite.png Delta Froslassite B1F Room 3; to the right of the Delta Snorunt (requires Tesseract)
Delta Glalitite.png Delta Glalitite B1F Room 3; to the left of the Delta Snorunt (requires Tesseract)


Delta Snorunt can be encountered by using Tesseract in the area with the third boulder and then following the path northwestward.

Heatran has the possibility of spawning in B1F, Room 3 if and only if the player knocks it out during the events concerning the Magma Stone in the Infernal Dungeon.


  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
126.png Magmar
Cave Cave
49-53 14%

219.png Magcargo
Cave Cave
53-57 25%

323.png Camerupt
Cave Cave
53-57 11%

324.png Torkoal
Cave Cave
53-57 25%

514.png Simisear
Cave Cave
53-57 11%

555.png Darmanitan
Standard Mode
Cave Cave
53-57 14%

073.png Tentacruel
Surfing Surfing
53-57 30%

278.png Wingull
Surfing Surfing
49-53 60%

319.png Sharpedo
Surfing Surfing
53-57 1%

320.png Wailmer
Surfing Surfing
49-53 5%

581.png Swanna
Surfing Surfing
53-57 4%

129.png Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
49-53 70%

211.png Qwilfish
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
49-53 30%

130.png Gyarados
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
53-57 40%

211.png Qwilfish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
53-57 60%

171.png Lanturn
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
53-57 4%

211.png Qwilfish
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
53-57 40%

349.png Feebas
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
5-10 1%

367.png Huntail
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
53-57 15%

368.png Gorebyss
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
53-57 40%

Special Pokémon
758.png Delta Snorunt
Premier Ball Only one
50 One


  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
126.png Magmar
Cave Cave
49-53 14%

219.png Magcargo
Cave Cave
53-57 25%

323.png Camerupt
Cave Cave
53-57 11%

324.png Torkoal
Cave Cave
53-57 25%

514.png Simisear
Cave Cave
53-57 11%

555.png Darmanitan
Standard Mode
Cave Cave
53-57 14%

B1F (Inner Cave)

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
051.png Dugtrio
Cave Cave
53-57 30%

126.png Magmar
Cave Cave
49-53 4%

219.png Magcargo
Cave Cave
53-57 25%

323.png Camerupt
Cave Cave
53-57 11%

324.png Torkoal
Cave Cave
53-57 5%

514.png Simisear
Cave Cave
53-57 11%

555.png Darmanitan
Standard Mode
Cave Cave
53-57 14%

Special Pokémon
485.png Heatran
Premier Ball Only one
100 One


Trainer Pokémon
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3540
663.png Talonflame Lv.59
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3480
631.png Heatmor Lv.58
No item
392.png Infernape Lv.58
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3480
219.png Magcargo Lv.58
No item
323.png Camerupt Lv.58
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3540
637.png Volcarona Lv.59
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3480
157.png Typhlosion Lv.58
No item
229.png Houndoom Lv.58
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3480
609.png Chandelure Lv.58
No item
059.png Arcanine Lv.58
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3540
257.png Blaziken Lv.59
No item
Infernal Cultist
Infernal Cultist
Reward: Pokémon Dollar3480
078.png Rapidash Lv.58
No item
668.png Pyroar Lv.58
No item

On Easy difficulty

Cult Leader
Fiery Caverns
Pokémon Dollar6000
Fire Fighting
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Blaziken Lv.59
Flare Blitz
Fire Physical
Sky Uppercut
Fighting Physical
Bulk Up
Fighting Status
Brave Bird
Flying Physical
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Ground Steel
Sand Rush
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Excadrill Lv.59
Ground Physical
Horn Drill
Normal Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Swords Dance
Normal Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Bug Fire
Flame Body
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Volcarona Lv.59
Quiver Dance
Bug Status
Psychic Special
Fire Special
Silver Wind
Bug Special
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Ghost Fire
Flash Fire
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Chandelure Lv.59
Fire Special
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Fire Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Fire Rock
Magma Armor
Held item:
Magcargonite.png Magcargonite
Magcargo Lv.60
Normal Status
Earth Power
Ground Special
Lava Plume
Fire Special
Ancient Power
Rock Special
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85

On Normal difficulty

Cult Leader
Fiery Caverns
Pokémon Dollar6100
Fire Fighting
Speed Boost
Held item:
Focus Sash.png Focus Sash
Blaziken Lv.59
Blaze Kick
Fire Physical
Low Kick
Fighting Physical
Swords Dance
Normal Status
Brave Bird
Flying Physical
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Ground Steel
Sand Rush
Held item:
Life Orb.png Life Orb
Excadrill Lv.59
Ground Physical
Iron Head
Steel Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Swords Dance
Normal Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Bug Fire
Flame Body
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Volcarona Lv.60
Quiver Dance
Bug Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special
Fire Blast
Fire Special
Bug Buzz
Bug Special
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Ghost Fire
Flame Body
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Chandelure Lv.60
Fire Special
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Normal Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Fire Rock
Flame Body or Magma Armor
Held item:
Magcargonite.png Magcargonite
Magcargo Lv.61
Psychic Status
Poison Status
Lava Plume
Fire Special
Acid Armor
Poison Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85

On Hard difficulty

Cult Leader
Fiery Caverns
Pokémon Dollar6200
Fire Fighting
Speed Boost
Held item:
Life Orb.png Life Orb
Blaziken Lv.60
Fire Special
High Jump Kick
Fighting Physical
Hidden Power
Ice Special
Normal Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Ground Steel
Mold Breaker
Held item:
Choice Scarf.png Choice Scarf
Excadrill Lv.60
Ground Physical
Iron Head
Steel Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Normal Physical
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Normal Ground
Huge Power
Held item:
Focus Sash.png Focus Sash
Diggersby Lv.61
Ground Physical
Normal Physical
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Swords Dance
Normal Status
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Bug Fire
Flame Body
Held item:
Passho Berry.png Passho Berry
Volcarona Lv.61
Quiver Dance
Bug Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special
Fire Blast
Fire Special
Hidden Power
Ground Special
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Ghost Fire
Flame Body
Held item:
Focus Sash.png Focus Sash
Chandelure Lv.61
Fire Blast
Fire Special
Trick Room
Psychic Status
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Hidden Power
Ice Special
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85
Fire Rock
Flame Body
Held item:
Magcargonite.png Magcargonite
Magcargo Lv.62
Shell Smash
Normal Status
Clear Smog
Poison Special
Fire Blast
Fire Special
Earth Power
Ground Special
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
85 85 85 85 85 85


Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
1F FieryCaverns.png FieryCaverns1FR2.png FieryCaverns1FR3.png
B1F FieryCavernsB1FR2.png FieryCavernsB1FR3.png