 Leader of Perfection, Reukra
Perfection is a cult interested in obtaining what they refer to as the perfect Pokémon. Though they have obtained the Legendary Pokémon Kyurem, it is unlikely that they revere it to the same extent as the other cults and their mascot legendaries. They are one of five cults based in the Torren region.
In the game
Perfection is very different in comparison to the other four cults. Perfection does not appear to have a specific type of Pokémon that they prefer to use in battle and they also appear to prefer to experiment with Pokémon to obtain greater power rather than obsessively seek out godlike Legendary Pokémon. They have used these experiments to create their own Delta Pokémon, which include the player and Damian's starters in the event that they did not choose Eevee. One of the cult's members, Taen, invades the Suntouched Gym in an attempt to take Reshiram from Orion. Considering his use of a Kyurem as well as his explanation of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem originally being one Pokémon, it is very likely that Perfection wishes to obtain all three of these Pokémon and attempt to fuse all three together as one of their objectives. Later Reukra discusses the cult's move from researching Delta Pokémon to researching Mega Evolution.