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(Added Northeast area)
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The '''Safari Zone''' is a special Pokémon preserve in [[Torren]] that {{pkmn|Trainer}}s can enter to capture Pokémon. It is divided into five different areas: two grassy areas, one water area, one desert-like area, and a hidden area. In addition to the geography, the Pokémon encountered in each area are very different.
For {{PDollar}}500, the player can play the '''Safari Game''' and receive 30 {{BLink|Safari Ball}}s. {{pkmn|Trainer}}s are limited to 600 steps in the Safari Zone before the Game is over.
In the Safari Zone, when a {{BLink|wild Pokémon}} appears, Trainers cannot send out Pokémon to battle it. Instead, Trainers must face Pokémon only with simple tools, and catching a Pokémon becomes much more reliant on luck, as Pokémon are able to run away from the Trainer at any time.
The Safari Zone is also rumored by the locals of [[Nasca Town]] to be the home of a {{BLink|Legendary Pokémon}}.
The Safari Zone allows the player to catch lots of great Pokémon for their adventure. There is also a chance to catch the legendary Thundurus(Tesseract is Required).
The Safari Zone is an optional area that gives the player the opportunity to capture a number of exclusive Pokémon. There is also a chance to catch two different legendary Pokémon depending on the player's progression in the story.
===Finding Thundurus===
*Travel northwest passing the two pink shrubs next to a lady riding a bike.  
* Travel northwest, passing the two pink shrubs next to a lady riding a bike.  
*Travel north up three sets of stairs where you will then see a set of stairs east.  
* Travel north up three sets of stairs where a set of stairs leading eastward will be visible.  
*Go down these steps and then proceed north going up two more sets of stairs.
* Go down these steps and then proceed north, going up two more sets of stairs.
*Find another set of stairs to the east of you.  
* Find another set of stairs heading east.  
*Go down these steps and travel southeast of the bridge until you see a white cloud, use Tesseract here so you can proceed.
* Go down these steps and travel southeast of the bridge until finding a white wormhole. Use [[Tesseract]] in order to proceed.
*After using Tesseract, surf to the southeast corner of the zone and use dive.  
* After using Tesseract, [[surf]] to the southeast corner of the zone and use [[Dive]].  
*Go through the cave and dive back up into a different area.  
* Go through the cave and dive back up into a different area.  
*Use Tesseract on the white cloud on the left. The player will come back to the present and see a red orb of light to the south of them.  
* Use Tesseract on the white wormhole on the left. The player will come back to the present and see a red wormhole to the south of them.  
*Use Tesseract on the orb to the south.
* Use Tesseract on the wormhole to the south.
*Push the boulder straight north in between the two green shrubs next to the pit.  
* Push the boulder straight up in between the two green shrubs next to the pit.  
*Use Tesseract again on the white cloud to the left. Once back in the past, there will be another red orb north of where you put the boulder at. Use Tesseract on this orb once more, but don't stand directly under the orb while using it because it may fail.  
* Use Tesseract again on the white wormhole to the left. Once back in the past, there will be another red wormhole north of where the boulder was placed. Use Tesseract on this wormhole once more.  
*Using Tesseract, the boulder you pushed will then appear in the past. Push the boulder inside of the pit adjacent to it.  
* Using Tesseract, the boulder will then appear in the past. Push the boulder inside of the pit adjacent to it.  
*After all of that, go back into the present and walk across the pit using the boulder and encounter an wild Thundurus.
* After all of that, go back into the present and hop across the pit using the boulder and encounter the wild {{p|Thundurus}}. Note that though the player is still within the Safari Zone, Thundurus will be battled using normal methods and will be captured using the standard Poké Balls found in the player's bag.
===Starting Tornadus Chase===
* After getting [[Waterfall]], climbing the waterfall in the northeast section will put the player into a new area with {{p|Tornadus}} sitting there. Trying to interact with him causes him to run away to the lower portion of [[Route 6]], which is accessible from [[Route 15]].

{{Itemlist|Old Photo|Southeast Area; in the southeasternmost boulder ''(hidden)''}}

===Southwest Area===
{{Catch/entry6|461|Weavile|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|631|Heatmor|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Fire|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|542|Leavanny|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Bug|type2=Grass|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|136|Flareon|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Fire|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|136|Flareon|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Fire|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|432|Purugly|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Normal|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|452|Drapion|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Poison|type2=Dark|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|452|Drapion|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Poison|type2=Dark|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|461|Weavile|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Dark|type2=Ice|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|523|Zebstrika|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Electric|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|523|Zebstrika|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Electric|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|432|Purugly|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Normal|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|542|Leavanny|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Bug|type2=Grass|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|604|Eelektross|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Electric|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|604|Eelektross|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Electric|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|631|Heatmor|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Fire|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|170|Chinchou|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Electric|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|222|Corsola|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|222|Corsola|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|170|Chinchou|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Electric|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}

===Northwest Area===
{{Catch/entry6|469|Yanmega|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Bug|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|531|Audino|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Normal|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|028|Sandslash|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|028|Sandslash|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|254|Sceptile|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Grass|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|203|Girafarig|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Normal|type2=Psychic|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|203|Girafarig|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Normal|type2=Psychic|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|225|Delibird|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ice|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|225|Delibird|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ice|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|254|Sceptile|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Grass|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|469|Yanmega|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Bug|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|531|Audino|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Normal|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|591|Amoonguss|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Grass|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|623|Golurk|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Ghost|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|623|Golurk|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Ghost|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|105|Amoonguss|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Grass|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|633|Deino|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Dark|type2=Dragon|40-44|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|633|Deino|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Dark|type2=Dragon|40-44|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|170|Chinchou|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Electric|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|222|Corsola|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|222|Corsola|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|170|Chinchou|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Electric|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}

===Northeast Area===
{{Catch/entry6|099|Kingler|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|139|Omastar|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Rock|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|160|Feraligatr|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|160|Feraligatr|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|139|Omastar|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Rock|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|230|Kingdra|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Dragon|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|230|Kingdra|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Dragon|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|099|Kingler|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}

===Southeast Area===
{{Catch/entry6|051|Dugtrio|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|105|Marowak|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|232|Donphan|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|232|Donphan|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|051|Dugtrio|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 20%}}
{{Catch/entry6|553|Krookodile|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Dark|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|330|Flygon|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Dragon|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|330|Flygon|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Dragon|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|344|Claydol|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|346|Cradily|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Rock|type2=Grass|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|346|Cradily|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Rock|type2=Grass|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|344|Claydol|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|105|Marowak|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|660|Diggersby|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|450|Hippowdon|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 6%}}
{{Catch/entry6|450|Hippowdon|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 6%}}
{{Catch/entry6|530|Excadrill|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Steel|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|530|Excadrill|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Steel|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|553|Krookodile|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|type2=Dark|52-56|all = 10%}}
{{Catch/entry6|222|Corsola|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|660|Diggersby|yes|yes|Grass|type1=Ground|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|170|Chinchou|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Electric|48-52|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|581|Swanna|yes|yes|Surf|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 5%}}
{{Catch/entry6|129|Magikarp|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|48-52|all = 70%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Old|type1=Water|type2=Poison|48-52|all = 30%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 60%}}
{{Catch/entry6|130|Gyarados|yes|yes|Fish Good|type1=Water|type2=Flying|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|211|Qwilfish|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Poison|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|368|Gorebyss|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 40%}}
{{Catch/entry6|367|Huntail|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|52-56|all = 15%}}
{{Catch/entry6|171|Lanturn|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|type2=Electric|52-56|all = 4%}}
{{Catch/entry6|349|Feebas|yes|yes|Fish Super|type1=Water|5-10|all = 1%}}

===Hidden Area===
===Areas in Present Time===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background: #000; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/dark|grass}}"
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}}; {{roundytl|3px}}" |
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}};" | West
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}}; {{roundytr|3px}}" | East
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}};" | North
| [[File:SafariZoneNorthwest1.png|225x225px]]
| [[File:SafariZoneNortheast1.png|225x225px]]
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}};" | South
| [[File:SafariZoneSouthwest1.png|225x225px]]
| [[File:SafariZoneSoutheast1.png|225x225px]]
===Areas in Past Time===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background: #000; border: 5px solid #{{locationcolor/dark|grass}}"
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}}; {{roundytl|3px}}" |
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}};" width="225px" | West
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}}; {{roundytr|3px}}" | East
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}};" | North
| [[File:SafariZoneNortheast2.png|225x225px]]
! style="background:#{{locationcolor/light|grass}};" height="225px" | South

Latest revision as of 20:39, 21 June 2018

Safari Zone
Mystery Zone.png
Mystery Zone.png
Mystery Zone.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: East of Nasca Town
Region: Torren
Telnor TownShade ForestRoute 1Midna TownRoute 2Ancient RuinsCyan CavernSuntouched CityRoute 3Route 3Route 3Metchi TownRoute 4Route 4Vipik CityCrossroadsCrossroadsMisty WayMisty WayMisty WayMist IslandRoute 5Koril TownRezzai DesertRezzai DesertRezzai CavernRezzai CavernRoggan TownRoute 6Route 7Helios CityCave of SteamCave of SteamCave of SteamUtira LibraryUtira TownRoute 8Miara TownStormy SeasStormy SeasWhirl IslandsWhirl IslandsRoute 9Sonata CitySonata TracksSonata HillsRoute 10Maelstrom 9Kepler CityRoute 11Route 11Route 11Route 11Nasca TownNasca CaveMurk ForestMurk ForestHekate TownRoute 12Selene CityRoute 13Dragon RuinsRoute 14Oranos TownRoute 15Route 15Amphitrite CityMt. Rose BaseMount RoseMount RoseDeyraan TownMount RoseRose CraterDeyraan CaveDeyraan CaveRoute 16Narra TownNarra BorderNexa BorderNexa BorderNexa TownVictory RoadVictory RoadVictory RoadPokemon LeagueRoute 17Route 17Route 17Route 17Gaea TownTorren Nasca Town Map.gif

Interactive Map Location of Safari Zone in Torren.

The Safari Zone is a special Pokémon preserve in Torren that Trainers can enter to capture Pokémon. It is divided into five different areas: two grassy areas, one water area, one desert-like area, and a hidden area. In addition to the geography, the Pokémon encountered in each area are very different.

For Pokémon Dollar500, the player can play the Safari Game and receive 30 Safari Balls. Trainers are limited to 600 steps in the Safari Zone before the Game is over.

In the Safari Zone, when a wild Pokémon appears, Trainers cannot send out Pokémon to battle it. Instead, Trainers must face Pokémon only with simple tools, and catching a Pokémon becomes much more reliant on luck, as Pokémon are able to run away from the Trainer at any time.

The Safari Zone is also rumored by the locals of Nasca Town to be the home of a Legendary Pokémon.


The Safari Zone is an optional area that gives the player the opportunity to capture a number of exclusive Pokémon. There is also a chance to catch two different legendary Pokémon depending on the player's progression in the story.

Finding Thundurus

  • Travel northwest, passing the two pink shrubs next to a lady riding a bike.
  • Travel north up three sets of stairs where a set of stairs leading eastward will be visible.
  • Go down these steps and then proceed north, going up two more sets of stairs.
  • Find another set of stairs heading east.
  • Go down these steps and travel southeast of the bridge until finding a white wormhole. Use Tesseract in order to proceed.
  • After using Tesseract, surf to the southeast corner of the zone and use Dive.
  • Go through the cave and dive back up into a different area.
  • Use Tesseract on the white wormhole on the left. The player will come back to the present and see a red wormhole to the south of them.
  • Use Tesseract on the wormhole to the south.
  • Push the boulder straight up in between the two green shrubs next to the pit.
  • Use Tesseract again on the white wormhole to the left. Once back in the past, there will be another red wormhole north of where the boulder was placed. Use Tesseract on this wormhole once more.
  • Using Tesseract, the boulder will then appear in the past. Push the boulder inside of the pit adjacent to it.
  • After all of that, go back into the present and hop across the pit using the boulder and encounter the wild Thundurus. Note that though the player is still within the Safari Zone, Thundurus will be battled using normal methods and will be captured using the standard Poké Balls found in the player's bag.

Starting Tornadus Chase

  • After getting Waterfall, climbing the waterfall in the northeast section will put the player into a new area with Tornadus sitting there. Trying to interact with him causes him to run away to the lower portion of Route 6, which is accessible from Route 15.


Item Location
Old Photo.png Old Photo Southeast Area; in the southeasternmost boulder (hidden)


Southwest Area

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
136.png Flareon
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

432.png Purugly
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

452.png Drapion
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

461.png Weavile
Grass Grass
52-56 20%

523.png Zebstrika
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

542.png Leavanny
Grass Grass
52-56 15%

604.png Eelektross
Grass Grass
52-56 5%

631.png Heatmor
Grass Grass
52-56 20%

170.png Chinchou
Surfing Surfing
48-52 5%

211.png Qwilfish
Surfing Surfing
52-56 30%

222.png Corsola
Surfing Surfing
52-56 60%

581.png Swanna
Surfing Surfing
52-56 5%

129.png Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
48-52 70%

211.png Qwilfish
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
48-52 30%

130.png Gyarados
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
52-56 40%

211.png Qwilfish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
52-56 60%

171.png Lanturn
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 4%

211.png Qwilfish
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 40%

349.png Feebas
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
5-10 1%

367.png Huntail
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 15%

368.png Gorebyss
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 40%

Northwest Area

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
028.png Sandslash
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

203.png Girafarig
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

225.png Delibird
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

254.png Sceptile
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

469.png Yanmega
Grass Grass
52-56 20%

531.png Audino
Grass Grass
52-56 20%

591.png Amoonguss
Grass Grass
52-56 5%

623.png Golurk
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

633.png Deino
Grass Grass
40-44 5%

170.png Chinchou
Surfing Surfing
48-52 5%

211.png Qwilfish
Surfing Surfing
52-56 30%

222.png Corsola
Surfing Surfing
52-56 60%

581.png Swanna
Surfing Surfing
52-56 5%

129.png Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
48-52 70%

211.png Qwilfish
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
48-52 30%

130.png Gyarados
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
52-56 40%

211.png Qwilfish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
52-56 60%

171.png Lanturn
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 4%

211.png Qwilfish
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 40%

349.png Feebas
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
5-10 1%

367.png Huntail
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 15%

368.png Gorebyss
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 40%

Northeast Area

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
099.png Kingler
Surfing Surfing
52-56 4%

139.png Omastar
Surfing Surfing
52-56 30%

160.png Feraligatr
Surfing Surfing
52-56 60%

230.png Kingdra
Surfing Surfing
48-52 5%

581.png Swanna
Surfing Surfing
52-56 1%

129.png Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
48-52 70%

211.png Qwilfish
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
48-52 30%

130.png Gyarados
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
52-56 40%

211.png Qwilfish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
52-56 60%

171.png Lanturn
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 4%

211.png Qwilfish
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 40%

349.png Feebas
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
5-10 1%

367.png Huntail
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 15%

368.png Gorebyss
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
52-56 40%

Southeast Area

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
051.png Dugtrio
Grass Grass
52-56 20%

105.png Marowak
Grass Grass
52-56 5%

232.png Donphan
Grass Grass
52-56 20%

330.png Flygon
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

344.png Claydol
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

346.png Cradily
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

450.png Hippowdon
Grass Grass
52-56 6%

530.png Excadrill
Grass Grass
52-56 4%

553.png Krookodile
Grass Grass
52-56 10%

660.png Diggersby
Grass Grass
52-56 5%

Hidden Area

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
642.png Thundurus
Premier Ball Only one
70 One


Areas in Present Time

West East
North SafariZoneNorthwest1.png SafariZoneNortheast1.png
South SafariZoneSouthwest1.png SafariZoneSoutheast1.png

Areas in Past Time

West East
North SafariZoneNortheast2.png

Thermal Badge.png Stinger Badge.png Summit Badge.png Paragon Badge.png Circuit Badge.png Dreamland Badge.png Rainstorm Badge.png Tartarus Badge.png
Telnor TownMidna TownSuntouched CityMetchi TownVipik CityKoril Town
Roggan TownHelios CityUtira TownMiara TownSonata CityKepler City
Nasca TownHekate TownSelene CityOranos TownAmphitrite CityDeyraan TownNarra Town
Nexa TownPokémon LeagueGaea Town
Cult of DarkraiShade ForestTelnor CaveDark CaveMidna GardenMidna MineAncient RuinsCyan Cavern
Secret BaseVipik DumpCrossroadsSamsara CaveKoril CaveRezzai DesertRezzai CavernHelios Sewers
Black MarketPerfection BaseJade TowerCave of SteamUtira LibraryMiara Archaeological SiteStormy SeasWhirl Islands
Maelstrom 9Abyssal BaseSafari ZonePower FarmNasca CaveMurk ForestFiery CavernsMysterious Hideaway
Ancient TowerDragon RuinsSatellite CorpsSlither ForestMysterious SpireCrystal CavesVoid Gauntlet
Mt. Rose BaseMount RoseRose CraterInfernal BaseDeyraan CaveNarra BorderNexa BorderVictory Road
Battle FrontierMisty WayMist IslandPerfection LaboratoryDev Island
Access to
Void GauntletThrone of the HegemonNo Man's LandAlpha TempleOort Cloud Object