Hidden Grotto: Difference between revisions

From The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki
(→‎Torren: Fixing info (to match individual location pages, errors may remain if the original location pages are also incorrect))
(Add rounded bottom to tables)
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| style="text-align:center" | [[Route 17]]
| style="text-align:center" | [[Route 17]]
| [[File:Route_17_HG.png|center|220x220px]]
| [[File:Route_17_HG.png|center|220x220px]]
| colspan="2" style="background: #{{torren color light}}; {{roundybottom|5px}}" | 

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| style="text-align:center" | [[Cortisol Road]]
| style="text-align:center" | [[Cortisol Road]]
| [[File:Cortisol_Road_HG.png|center|220x220px]]
| [[File:Cortisol_Road_HG.png|center|220x220px]]
| colspan="2" style="background: #{{Dream Realm color light}}; {{roundybottom|5px}}" | 

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*[[Route 8]]
*[[Route 8]]
*[[Mount Rose]] 1F
*[[Mount Rose]] 1F
| colspan="4" style="background: #{{torren color light}}; {{roundybottom|5px}}" | 

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| style="margin:auto; text-align:left" |
| style="margin:auto; text-align:left" |
*[[Cortisol Road]]
*[[Cortisol Road]]
| colspan="4" style="background: #{{Dream Realm color light}}; {{roundybottom|5px}}" | 

Latest revision as of 03:41, 15 May 2024

Hidden Grotto is a feature in Pokémon Insurgence that allows the player to catch rare Pokémon or find some uncommon items. The contents of the Hidden Grottoes are random, and they will regenerate after 12 hours of real time have passed since the player's last visit inside of the grotto. Their presence on a route is indicated by a shadow found between the bases of two trees in the overworld.

Note that there is a difference between Hidden Grottoes and grottoes which can be used to encounter certain rare Pokémon which are not randomized.


There are 14 Hidden Grottoes visible throughout the Torren region and 1 that is visible in the Dream Realm.


Area Locations
Midna Garden
Midna Garden HG.png
Route 3
Route 3 HG.png
Route 4
Route 4 HG.png
Crossroads HG.png
Route 8
Route 8 HG.png
Route 9
Route 9 HG.png
Route 10
Route 10 HG.png
Murk Forest
Murk Forest HG.png
Route 14
Route 14 HG.png
Route 15
Route 15 HG.png
Mount Rose
Mount Rose HG.png
Mount Rose HG 2.png
Route 16
Route 16 HG.png
Route 17
Route 17 HG.png

Dream Realm

Area Locations
Cortisol Road
Cortisol Road HG.png



Item Rate Locations
Fire Stone.png Fire Stone 12.5%
Water Stone.png Water Stone 12.5%
Thunder Stone.png Thunder Stone 12.5%
Leaf Stone.png Leaf Stone 12.5%
Dusk Stone.png Dusk Stone 12.5%
Dawn Stone.png Dawn Stone 12.5%
Everstone.png Everstone 12.5%
Great Ball.png Great Ball 12.5%
Ultra Ball.png Ultra Ball 12.5%
Dusk Ball.png Dusk Ball 12.5%
Level Ball.png Level Ball 25.0%
Super Potion.png Super Potion 12.5%
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion 12.5%
Max Potion.png Max Potion 12.5%
Full Heal.png Full Heal 12.5%
Full Restore.png Full Restore 12.5%
Revive.png Revive 12.5%
Elixir.png Elixir 12.5%
Ether.png Ether 12.5%
Carbos.png Carbos 12.5%
Iron.png Iron 12.5%
Electirizer.png Electirizer 12.5%
Magmarizer.png Magmarizer 12.5%
Protector.png Protector 12.5%
Icy Rock.png Icy Rock 12.5%
Dark Rock.png Dark Rock 12.5%
Energy Root.png Energy Root 12.5%
Hard Stone.png Hard Stone 12.5%
Max Repel.png Max Repel 12.5%

Dream Realm

Item Rate Locations
Dream Mist.png Dream Mist 25.0%
Max Potion.png Max Potion 12.5%
Revive.png Revive 12.5%


Midna Garden

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
102.png Exeggcute
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

434.png Stunky
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

631.png Heatmor
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

632.png Durant
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 3

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
004.png Charmander
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

511.png Pansage
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

538.png Throh
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

539.png Sawk
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 4

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
007.png Squirtle
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

061.png Poliwhirl
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

515.png Panpour
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

742.png Delta Sunkern
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%


  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
206.png Dunsparce
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

309.png Electrike
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

434.png Stunky
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

653.png Fennekin
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

Route 8

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
775.png Delta Munchlax
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

682.png Spritzee
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

685.png Slurpuff
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 9

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
252.png Treecko
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

258.png Mudkip
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

679.png Honedge
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

750.png Delta Combee
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 10

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
231.png Phanpy
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

387.png Turtwig
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

650.png Chespin
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

679.png Honedge
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Murk Forest

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
390.png Chimchar
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

559.png Scraggy
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

656.png Froakie
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

748.png Delta Scraggy
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 14

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
001.png Bulbasaur
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

203.png Girafarig
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

215.png Sneasel
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

559.png Scraggy
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 15

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
554.png Darumaka
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

570.png Zorua
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

679.png Honedge
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

714.png Noibat
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Mount Rose

1F Exterior

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
682.png Spritzee
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

685.png Slurpuff
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

756.png Delta Phantump
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 25%

2F Exterior

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
004.png Charmander
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

084.png Doduo
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

333.png Swablu
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

633.png Deino
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 16

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
096.png Drowzee
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

670.png Floette
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

675.png Pangoro
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

680.png Doublade
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Route 17

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
001.png Bulbasaur
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

374.png Beldum
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

650.png Chespin
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

656.png Froakie
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

Cortisol Road

  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
096.png Drowzee
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

517.png Munna
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

570.png Zorua
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%

821.png Delta Chinchou
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
10 12.5%