Holon Jungle: Difference between revisions

From The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki
(Filled in missing information, reorganization)
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{{Itemlist|Super Potion|Northwest of the fire|display={{BLink|Super Potion}}}}
{{Itemlist|Hyper Potion|Northwest of the fire|display={{BLink|Hyper Potion}}}}
{{Itemlist|Delta Lopunnite|South of the fire, in a maze of trees|display={{DL|Mega Stone|Delta Lopunnite}}}}
{{Itemlist|Delta Lopunnite|South of the fire, in a maze of trees|display={{DL|Mega Stone|Delta Lopunnite}}}}
{{Itemlist|poisontm|Northeast of the Fire; west of the {{p|Manaphy Statue}}|display=[[bulbapedia:Poison Jab (move)|TM84 Poison Jab]]}}
{{Itemlist|poisontm|Northeast of the Fire; west of the {{p|Manaphy Statue}}|display=[[bulbapedia:Poison Jab (move)|TM84 Poison Jab]]}}

Revision as of 06:49, 27 April 2020

Holon Jungle
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Mystery Zone.png
Mystery Zone.png
Mystery Zone.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: East of Settlement Alfa
Region: Holon
Template:Holon Map
Interactive Map Location of Holon Jungle in Holon.

The Holon Jungle is one of the seven biomes scattered throughout Holon, located to the east of Settlement Alfa. Heavily covered jungle trees make this area much more tedious to navigate than the other biomes. A total of five Delta Pokémon can be found hidden throughout the area


  • This area is purely optional to explore. Return to Settlement Alfa when finished.

Encountering Delta Foongus

  • Head directly east and a little south of the entrance to find a large clearing filled with normal Foongus and a Delta Foongus in the center.
  • Keep an eye on the Delta Foongus and as the player approaches, they all appear to run into the jungle.
  • Run into the exact location where Delta Foongus was previously located to find that what appears to be an invisible wall is in front of the player.
  • Interact with the space to encounter Delta Foongus, which reveals itself.
  • Note that if the player loses track of Delta Foongus's location at any point during this event, it is barely possible to see Delta Foongus's silhouette against the jungle background.

Encountering Delta Darumaka

  • Starting from the clearing that held Delta Foongus, head east, pass the patch of grass near Pokéfan Nikola, and stop in the next patch of grass.
  • Work south by bypassing the trees serving as a barrier to reach the next patch of grass directly below the current patch.
  • Head southwest for a short distance to find a large tree that looks different from the rest of the trees in the area that also has a hole in its trunk.
  • Move towards the trunk of the tree, and crawl into the tree when asked.
  • Run through the tunnel beneath the tree, exiting through the opening to the northeast.
  • In this new jungle area, head northeast to encounter Delta Darumaka.

Encountering Delta Croagunk

  • Starting from the clearing that held Delta Foongus, head directly north until discovering a fire burning next to some rocky formations.
  • The player can find a boulder to the northwest and a boulder to the southeast; maneuver either of these boulders until one of them is placed on top of the fire.
  • As soon as the boulder puts out the fire, a cave entrance will appear in the rocky formation to the north.
  • Enter the cave to encounter Delta Croagunk.

Encountering Delta Dwebble (Berry)

  • Navigate through the jungle to reach the northeastern corner of the area. Look around this area for a bit to find a Manaphy Statue that is obscured by a tree.
  • Use Heart Swap to switch places with the statue, then stand directly underneath the small tree to the northeast.
  • Head directly south until the player cannot walk forward anymore, and then interact with the space in front of the player to encounter the slightly hidden Delta Dwebble.

Encountering Delta Kabuto

  • Starting from the hollow tree that leads to Delta Darumaka move one space south and then head west to collide with a tree.
  • Move south until colliding with another tree, move west 3 spaces, and then head south to collide with another tree.
  • Move west 5 spaces, move south until colliding with another tree, move west 2 more spaces, and then head straight down until the player collides with a small tree.
  • Move east to collide with a tree, head south to collide with the edge of another big tree, and then walk around this tree and head southwest to encounter Delta Kabuto in the clearing between the trees.

Item Trade Quest


Item Location
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Northwest of the fire
Delta Lopunnite.png Delta Lopunnite South of the fire, in a maze of trees
Poisontm.png TM84 Poison Jab Northeast of the Fire; west of the Manaphy Statue
Net Ball.png Net Ball In the patch of grass to the northeast of the hollow tree leading to Delta Darumaka


  Pokémon     Location     Levels     Rate  
153.png Bayleef
Grass Grass
77-82 5%

190.png Aipom
Grass Grass
77-82 5%

332.png Cacturne
Grass Grass
82-87 10%

435.png Skuntank
Grass Grass
82-87 10%

454.png Toxicroak
Grass Grass
82-87 10%

558.png Crustle
Grass Grass
82-87 10%

591.png Amoonguss
Grass Grass
82-87 20%

709.png Trevenant
Grass Grass
82-87 10%

711.png Gourgeist
Grass Grass
82-87 20%

Special Pokémon
814.png Delta Kabuto
Premier Ball Only one
25 One

875.png Delta Croagunk
Premier Ball Only one
16 One

887.png Delta Darumaka
Premier Ball Only one
21 One

890.png Delta Dwebble (Berry)
Premier Ball Only one
25 One

899.png Delta Foongus
Premier Ball Only one
20 One


Trainer Pokémon
Scientist George
Scientist George
Reward: Pokémon Dollar4416
452.png Drapion Lv.92
No item
365.png Walrein Lv.92
No item
Ruin Maniac Tom
Ruin Maniac Tom
Reward: Pokémon Dollar4464
623.png Golurk Lv.93
No item
Scientist Melinda
Scientist Melinda
Reward: Pokémon Dollar4416
071.png Victreebel Lv.91
No item
567.png Archeops Lv.92
No item
411.png Bastiodon Lv.91
No item
Pokéfan Nikola
Pokéfan Nikola
Reward: Pokémon Dollar5520
275.png Shiftry Lv.92
No item
678.png Meowstic Lv.92
No item
Athlete Kathy
Athlete Kathy
Reward: Pokémon Dollar5520
106.png Hitmonlee Lv.92
No item
237.png Hitmontop Lv.92
No item
Ace Trainer Jarek
Ace Trainer Jarek
Reward: Pokémon Dollar5520
254.png Sceptile Lv.90
No item
136.png Flareon Lv.90
No item
700.png Sylveon Lv.92
No item
197.png Umbreon Lv.91
No item

Settlement FoxtrotSettlement OscarSettlement AlfaSettlement Juliet
Holon GrasslandsHolon DesertHolon MarshHolon LakeHolon Jungle
Holon MountainHolon Volcano
Lost PondHolon PyramidGaea Core